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Neve Shalom relies on your generosity to meet the needs of our community.  Dues and fees alone do not cover our expenses.  Only through your donations throughout the year can we continue to offer meaningful religious services, diverse programming, and education for all ages.  Click here to donate!

In addition to general donations, you can make donations in honor of, in memory of, in gratitude to, and in celebration of family and friends on special occasions and life cycle events through the following funds:

Ner Tamid Fund

This fund underwrites the synagogue’s expenses for religious education and special projects and programming. (Minimum: $10.00)

Education Fund

(Minimum: $10.00)


This fund is used to give tzedakah on behalf of an ailing loved one. (Minimum: $10.00, Silver $50.00, Gold $100.00, Platinum $180.00)

Max Roller Library Fund 

This fund is used to purchase books for our library. (Minimum: $10.00)

Gershon Robinson Music and Art Fund 

This fund is used to underwrite purchases of art and music-oriented items and activities. (Minimum: $10.00)

Barry Miller Fund 

This fund is used for special projects within the religious school. (Minimum: $10.00)

Prayerbook/Ritual Fund

This fund is used to purchase Chumashim, prayerbooks and ritual objects. ($54.00/prayerbook or $72.00/chumash)

High Holy Day Mahzor Fund

Contribute to a High Holy Day Mahzor ($54.00)

Susy Schwartz Memorial Fund

This fund subsidizes scholarships for b’nai mitzvah to travel and study in Israel, and for other internal projects, such as Friday night speakers within the synagogue. (Minimum: $10.00)

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

This fund is used for tzedakah within the synagogue community, scholarships, special projects within the synagogue in which the rabbi is involved, and to support national Jewish causes which come to the attention of the rabbi. (Minimum: $10.00)

Jeffrey Turtletaub Jewish Music Library Fund

This fund is used to subsidize musical programs and purchases items for the music library. (Minimum: $10.00)

Simon and Yvonne Hayat Education Fund

This fund is used for life-long Jewish learning. (Minimum: $10.00)

Friends of Neve Shalom Nursery School

This fund is used for nursery school activities. (Minimum: $10.00)

Maier Wieder Religious Studies Fund

This fund is used to create a religious studies course. (Minimum: $10.00)

Youth Group Fund

This fund subsidizes various youth programs, including, but not limited to; regional and international conventions, leadership training programs, encampment, USY on Wheels, college care packages, and special programming. (Minimum: $10.00)

Neve Shalom Blood Drive In Memory of Michael Allan Thompson

These funds are used to underwrite supplies needed for a blood drive.

Don & Ruth Kahn Book & Author Fund

This fund is used to subsidize the book and author event.

Community Kiddush Fund

An opportunity to share a Simcha with the community and support the weekly Shabbat Kiddush. (Minimum: $18.00)

Click here to donate!


Sun, May 5 2024 27 Nisan 5784